Our government divides, separates, and balances power. It vests the people's power into the House of Representatives. Our founders believed the right of representation was fundamental to a free society. Freedom is having a say in the rules; they intended the right of representation to be preserved. 
Our Representative is like a customer service agent. They listen and inform. When we have a problem, they should listen to our concerns and inform us of a solution.  They are the communication piece between us, the customers, and the business. Whether we need to return, pick up an order, or have a complaint, the customer service agent is the person we speak with first.
Since 1929, America has grown, and the customer base has increased from 100 million to 330 million. Meanwhile, the amount of customer service agents in the House has remained the same at 435. Representatives are overwhelmed, and service suffers. The line is out the door.
When we have a problem, we are led through endless red tape or forced to donate to jump the line, leaving many middle-class Americans ignored and unrepresented. 
Help us uncap the House of Representatives and preserve our Right of Representation.

The United States is grossly unrepresented:

A larger House would help reduce the disproportionate influence of money in politics. With more representatives, campaign contributions and lobbying efforts would need to be spread across a broader group, diluting the power of special interests and making it harder for a few large donors or lobbyists to dominate legislative priorities.

Moreover, increased representation would encourage more direct and responsive communication between constituents and their elected officials. This would lead to a more diverse range of voices in policy debates, resulting in laws that more accurately reflect the varied needs and perspectives of the American population. By enlarging the House, we can reinvigorate democratic accountability and strengthen public trust in government.
